MongoDB: Nooks and Crannies

MongoDB: Nooks and Crannies

MongoDb: Flexible Database

Database manipulation and querying can be time-consuming, and as developers, we require a database that is both flexible and capable of speeding up our development process.

Today, we'll look at how to use MongoDB, one of the most popular NoSQL databases.

Table Of Content


🎯 MongoDB and mongoshell installed. Download

🎯 Add MongoDB path to your environment variable

Checking MongoDB is installed correctly

To check if you have MongoDB correctly installed and added to your environment variable, run mongo --version in your terminal.

Result: Image description

Start a MongoDB server

Method 1:

You can also run mongosh on your terminal if you install the new mongo shell. Click here to download

Result: Image description

Method 2:

On your terminal run mongo.exe Result: Image description

Now that we have confirmed MongoDB installation let's see how we can navigate around MongoDB .

To view db

 show dbs

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To view collections

show collections

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To use a db:

use [database name]
use blog

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Delete an entire db


Exit out of the terminal

Ctrl + C

Data Types in Mongodb

Mongodb uses BSON i.e key value pairs

    double: 3.565,
    boolean: true, || false
    array: [1,23,4,5]
    object:{attr1: "", attr2:"",attr3:""},
    date:new Date("YYYY-mm-dd"),
    no_value: null

Create collection

db.createCollection([collection name])

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Drop a collection


Insert One document (a json object) into A COLLECTION

db.students.insertOne({name: "Abayomi", age:4, email:""})

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Result: The _id is the unique identifier.

Breakdown: the {name: "Abayomi"} is called a Document and it lives inside the collection i.e every object stored in a collection in db is called a document.

Insert nested object

db.students.insertOne({name: "yomi", age:56, address:{street:"ajaka makun"}, hobbies:["gyming"]})

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clear screen

(Ctrl + L)

You can generate custom id

db.students.insertOne({name: "joan", age:56, _id:256})

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Adding arrays

db.students.insertOne({name: "jinx", hobbies: ["sking", "fighting"]})

db.students.insertOne({name: "jinx", hobbies: ["sking", "fighting"], contact: 0808083423, startDate: new Date("2020-08-89")})

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Insert multiple records using arrays of objects

db.students.insertMany([{name: "jude", age:9}, {name: "james", age:78}, {name: "amry", age:239}])

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Finding and querying Documents

Find all:


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Turn a specific field off

db.students.find({}, {_id:0})

Limit query

db.students.find({}, {_id:0}).limit(2)
This removes all _id

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Sort query

db.students.find({}, {_id:0}).sort({name: 1})
1 means ascending order
-1 means descending order

The name is arranged alphabetically Image description

Sort by multiple fields

db.students.find({}, {_id:0}).sort({age: -1, name: 1})
1= asacending order
-1 = descending order

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Find using filtering using where queries

db.students.find({age: 4}, {_id:0}).sort({name: 1, age:-1})

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Skipping entries

db.students.find().skip(1).sort({age: 1, name: 1}).limit(2)
This skips the first entry gotten from he database

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Filtering using multiple fields

db.students.find({name: "joan", age: 56})

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Select syntax

db.students.find({}, {name: 1, age: 1, _id: 0})
This selects only the name and age property it will not populate other info like address and hobbies and also omits the _id property

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OR operator $or logic

db.students.find({$or: [{name:"abayomi"}, {age:56}]}, {_id:0})

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Greater operator $gt than logic

db.students.find({age:{$gt: 10}})

This gets every fields with age grater than 10. Image description

Less than or equal to $lte

db.students.find({age:{$lte: 10}}).sort({age: -1})

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Other comparison operator worth of note: $eq, $ne,

In operator $in

db.students.find({name: {$in:["Abayomi", "joan"]}})
  • Finds every data that has name has Abayomi and joan

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Mixing complex queries

db.students.find({age:{ $gte:9, $lt:240} })
Here we are saying age is less than 10, greater than 36

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Not query


* This gets all ages not less than or equal to 34

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Accessing nested objects and getting specific array

db.students.find({"address.street": "ajaka makun"})

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Count documents

db.students.countDocuments({age:{$lte: 23}})

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Update data

db.students.updateOne({name: "joan"}, {$set:{name:"Joana Sisily"}})

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Update with id

db.students.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("622875510fc8edaf452c0e13")}, {$set:{age:459}})

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Find by id

db.students.findOne({_id: ObjectId("6199abeeb73c785f519a29e3")})

* Returns null if id not found

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db.students.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("622875f90fc8edaf452c0e15")}, {$inc:{age:9}})

This increment the age value by 9, the initial value is 9, final value will be 18

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Renaming fields

db.students.updateOne({_id: ObjectId("622875f90fc8edaf452c0e15")}, {$rename:{age:"studentAge"}}))

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Not-in operator

This negates the output

db.students.find({name: {$nin:["Abayomi", "joan"]}})

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Check if field or data exists

1) db.students.find({name: {$exists: true}})
2) db.students.find({major: {$exists: false}}, {_id:0})
  • Ex 2: Returns nothing

BSON indexing

To return data type using BSON indexing i.e strings is 2.

db.students.find({name: {$type: 2}})
2 means strings: this will return all name fields that is strings

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Check specific array entries

i.e target specific element in an array

Get arrays size

i.e if an elements has 4 , 5, 6 etc elem in it

db.students.find({hobbies: {$size: 2}})

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Element Match

Check match and return a matching element in an array

db.students.find({hobbies: {$elemMatch: {$eq: "sking"}}})

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Update many records

updates all instance of the name:mimi
db.students.updateMany({name: "mimi"},{$set: {name:"miracle"}})

Replace a field completely

db.students.replaceOne({name: "Abayomi"},{name: "Joseph abayomi", age: 90, student: true})

Delete records


db.students.deleteMany({}) ==> deletes all

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Delete with a query params

db.students.deleteMany({name: "xu"})

Delete one

db.students.deleteOne({name: "xu"})

Bulk Write

perform multiple action update, delete, insert in one command

         { insertOne :
               "document" :
                  name: "James", occupation: "Developer"
         { insertOne :
               "document" :
                  name: "Travesy", occupation: "backend"
         { updateOne :
               filter : { name : "James" },
               update : { $set : { occupation: "content-writer"} }
         { deleteOne :
            { filter : { name : "Abayomi"} }
         { replaceOne :
               filter : { name : "James" },
               replacement : { name: "James Bond", }
    {ordered: false}

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Text indexing

This is synonymous to a search bar on the client-side

db.students.insertMany([{name: "John", desc: "Young and fair"},{name: "Doe", desc: "fair but young and silly"}, {name: "Dare", desc: "young and beautiful "}])

Create text indexing

db.students.createIndex( { name: "text", desc: "text" } )

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db.students.find({ $text: {$search: "fair" } })

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Let's attach precedence score to search query
   { $text: { $search: "Young and fair" } },
   { score: { $meta: "textScore" } }
).sort( { score: { $meta: "textScore" } } )

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db.students.insertMany([{item : "pencil", total: 10.75, student: "Wick"}, {item : "pen", total: 50, student: "John"}, {item : "book", total: 11.33, student: "Thanos"}, {item : "ruler", total: 8.50, student: "Thanos"}, {item : "book", total: 4.75, student: "James"}, {item : "pen", total: 4.75, student: "Wick"}, {item : "bag", total: 4.75, studstudent: "John"}])

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Get total counts of books

db.students.countDocuments({item: "pen"})

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Get total amount of money spent by a student

          {$match: {} },
          {$group: {_id: "$student", total: { $sum: "$total"} } }

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Find how much has been spent on each item and sort it by price

          {$match: {} },
          {$group: {_id: "$item", total: { $sum: "$total"} } },
          {$sort: {total: -1}}

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Find how much money each customer has spent on book and pen

          {$match: {item: {$in: ["book", "pen"]} } },
          {$group: {_id: "$item", total: { $sum: "$total"} } },

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Bson types reference Aggregation Reference mongodb website Mike Dane